This page is home to a small but growing collection of software tools and plugins to maximize the creative and operational power of the DekoCast system.  Stay tuned for future developments!

Big Red Button v1.0 Installer  download ( 80KB )
Control the DekoCast Sequencer with a couple keyboard keys (requires the Microsoft .NET Framework. Download it below if it's not already installed on your DekoCast).

Click the link above to download the InstallBigRedButton.exe self-extracting file, then double-click the file to create the BigRed.exe program and install a shortcut on the desktop and in the Start > Programs menu.

Start the DekoCast Sequencer (and DekoCast and PostDekoLite), load a sequence, then double-click the Big Red Button desktop icon to start the program.  Follow the instructions in the program window.  The window turns red to indicate the program has focus and is receiving keyboard events.  Click on the window
or use Alt+Tab to activate it.

Microsoft .NET Framework
v1.1 Installer download ( 23.7MB )
Allows execution of .NET-based applications.  This is pre-installed on most new Windows systems, but does not appear to be present on DekoCast systems.  To check whether this is installed, run Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs.  Look for "Microsoft .NET Framework v1.1" in the list.  If it's present, there is no need to download and install it again.

To install, click the link above to download
the dotnetfx.exe installation program, then double click the file to execute it, then follow the instructions.

Alternatively, you can download this file from the Microsoft Update site,  Click the "Custom" button and navigate the screens until you find the optional software download to install the .NET Framework v1.1.  This approach may require a little more patience.

Last modified August 29, 2005